A5 journal-6ad18083

Assignment5: Is the website user-friendly and are you willing to pay?

Based on the previous Figma prototype, initial improvements have been made based on issues and feedback from the previous round of testing, adding a search box to the performance page and fixing some bugs in the jump logic.

In order to further perceive the user experience, both quantitative and qualitative tests were carried out in this round, with the aim of further improving the design of the website, making it user-friendly and increasing the willingness of users to pay, making it sustainable.

To verify the logic of jumping between different pages and test the ease of use in gaining information about live house venues and shows, 5 tasks were given:
1) Find a detail page of a live house venue
2) Bookmark a live house venue
3) Register and log in
4) View the bookmarked one in the collection
5) Browse information in the community and find one post

After finishing the 5 tasks, participants are required to answer post-test questions, the question list is as follows:
1) Please rate the overall process: 5 as very satisfied, 1 as very disappointed
2) What difficulties did you encounter in the process?
3) How do you think this site can be improved, or any more features need to be added?
4) Would you want to sign up as a new user if you could get a free membership for three months?
5) Do you want to continue paying to maintain your membership after the free trial?

For the quantitative test, I deployed an A/Btest to test the extent to which a three-month free membership experience had an impact on users’ willingness to sign up. A variation of the webpage was to add a promotional banner below the ‘成为会员’ section on the home page, to test whether this would inspire more users to jump to the details page of the membership system and trigger more sign-up and login form submissions.

You can find more information about the test result on my website .

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