typical me lol

How well do you know about…um…boxes?

Hey guys, I assume all of you have just seen my childish work (aka. my current webpage). If not, just click here.

Although it’s not a finished one – I mean, in my opinion, if I do want to use this as my digital portfolio in the future, I will keep making it more complete – but now I want to talk about how it has been gradually set up as displayed, piece-by-piece, step-by-step, and some of my thoughts during the whole establishing process.

Fun fact: I have not been dealing with Maths or any other subjects related to “having a logical and rational mindset is a must” for about 3 years. Therefore when I decide to take this course, I know it’s going to be a little bit hard (well it turns out even harder 🥲).

I will probably use this as my title or tagline something:

You can always start with boxes, but boxes are never just boxes.

In the first few lessons, I think what’s been really good and useful is what Bernard explains about “coding”. It’s more like a system that runs in both of our minds and hands; while in the meantime, there also lies associations and connections just like the human world.

Since my initial attempt is to make this site a place where I can put my works in: sketches, lyrics, and any more items acting as my inspiration, so I named it [IDEALAB] so I can do those “experiments” safely, and ultimately, what’s waiting ahead could be my dreamy space.

You can see this cute icon that I chose. While its given name is “Air Freshener”, I do think it fits my theme because I see it as a bottle that keeps generating new ideas.

If you want to find your customized icon, follow as: Google Fonts > Icons > Material Symbols

I created my navigation bar this way, so I can put links that redirect you to land in some other places that have my work (i.e. my following assignments). You can see the color change by placing your cursor on each item. Thanks to hover. 💕

As you can see, my banner is currently an image, which I extracted from the movie “Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy”. I can quite relate to the girl and this is close to the ending of the story where she plays protagonist. Well, I just think she’s really beautiful, especially this moment when she tries to capture something, and I want to make you feel that vibe too every time you visit here.

Going to the main parts of my webpage as you scroll down, the first title you see is “Recent Wassup”. It plays a role of showing what I have been listening to (I have been crazy about this album by Jaden, and promise me you will go and listen) and what I have been reading (I first saw this paragraph in “The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons Learned from 15 Years as CEO of the Walt Disney Company” and it hit me real quick) these days.

In “Videos & Stuff”, I inserted two videos: one is my cover of Machine Gun Kelly’s cover of Frank Ocean’s “Swim Good”, and the other one is one of my favorite clips from the TV drama “Normal People” when they talked about individuality. I’m planning to add more.

I have one column where I can put my reflection as well, but I’m thinking about making it another interesting one. 🤐

At this stage as a beginner, I also want to share one technique or aid that actually has helped me form a pretty clear logic: I always write “border” because it actually acts as the guideline for any boxes that are going to be placed with content inside and other styling transformations. Making them visible has given me a strong sense of security to know that I’m not messing around…

From doing this website-building, I find it also serves as a training program where repetition is necessarily needed. This has brought me to a new thinking pattern which requires more practice. But I do see some slight changes not just in my programming skills, but as a whole – solving problems and creating new things, which is a great thing.

See you.



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