
All for K-pop album lovers!

Since my problem statement after the user research is defined as:

“How might we make an enthusiastic K-pop fan with a full-time job who wants to buy different kinds of Kpop albums online easily(who) address the problem of comparing different prices, collecting scattered and incomplete information about pre-sale gifts, and logistics tracking from different album e-shops (what) so that she/he can save time by easily finding albums, e-shops from which she/he wants to purchase, and tracking logistics(why)?”

So this product “专辑一站通” is a collection of album information and a fan-sharing platform for K-pop fans in China, allowing users to check and compare album information and make purchases conveniently.

Following preliminary interviews with potential users and the prototype usability test, I learned from target consumers that many K-pop fans who collect idol albums are currently expending a lot of energy and time searching for album information on various versions and platforms. Especially due to language problems, it is difficult to get comprehensive information in Korean e-shop. They desired a platform that would provide them with a variety of album-purchasing services as well as a channel to communicate with other fans in order to save time. After experiencing the prototype, the 5 target consumers gave it a relatively high feedback score (3.9/5) and stated that the simple and clear design of the website helped them find the target information quickly and that they would be willing to use and pay for the service if the usability of the website could be improved further.

The business objectives of the product are composed of two main parts: the membership system and the advertising service. First of all the membership system will be divided into two categories: free registered members and paid members. The information in the album section will only be partially open to free members, while paid members will have the right to browse and check all the information on the site and will receive exclusive member benefits through member discount codes, member points for purchases, etc. Users are invited to subscribe to official promotional emails at the time of registration, and the most recent campaigns and promotions are delivered to them via promotional emails. The second part is the advertising service, which includes providing referrals and priority for online e-store promotions in exchange for promotion fees, as well as posting advertisements for album dealers or e-stores in return for advertising profits.

If you want to learn more about my product’s information architecture, main functions, and key hypotheses, please visit my website.

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