
Coding, debuging, testing, and crying to find a solution…

The website is designed to help mainland Chinese in Hong Kong who are going to travel abroad to Southeast Asia countries to plan their trips more easily and flexibly. Also, by connecting demand and supply, third-parties like travel agencies can hopefully solve their dilemma in profit-making. This is also the proposed monetization strategy of my…


Build a Platform for Mainland Chinese on Localized Overseas Travel Planning

The problem statement of my website is defined as follows: How might we make a mainland Chinese working in Hong Kong (who) address the problem of collecting trip-planning information from multiple platforms and plan their trip with more local relevancy (what) so that they can save time while having a better trip (why)? The user…


Develop a Sustainable Business Model Through User Research

My initial idea was to help undergraduate or postgraduate mainland students in Hong Kong consolidate the neccessary pre-trip prep information and find teammates to travel abroad together, because I frequently see posts on RED asking for this kind of assistance. But after conducting interviews with potential users, the topic and scope is slightly changed. During…


My First Webpage Created with HTML/CSS: Struggling While Having Fun

Hi everyone! I just finished my first webpage development with HTML and CSS. You can check it here (Please use Google Chrome to load the page). Actually it was not an easy thing to do, at least for me as a first timer, and I have encountered numerous problems in this process. But fortunately, with…