Hi there, it's Mariana from New Media Programme. Being a multilingual person, I learned Mandarin, English, Spanish and some Japanese in the past 22 years but still know little about programming language. I've had my internship mainly in traditional media and Global Operation and now I want to learn something new. Hopefully through this course, I'll be able to get some new insights and hands-on skills.
For overseas Jwotas (fans of Johnny’s idols in Japan), how to buy physical albums from Japanese shopping sites and ship them back to China at the lowest cost is always worth considering…
Personally, I take OpenRice as a reference to go to when I’m trying to find somewhere to eat, especially in a rather unfamiliar area for me. Instead of simply looking at the numbers shown on the page, I decided to apply a new criteria to help with making wiser decisions.
“BTA” stands for “Behind-the-Assignment”, it’s a column that I set up for my assignment journals.
This time I’ll be writing about my very first personal page: description of its structure, what’s interesting about the theme, what needs to be improved, etc.
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