
Qualitative + Quantitative Test for an ACGN website

Currently, there is no platform dedicated to providing fans with information on activities related to ACGN Influencers. The proposed solution aims to provide users with timely VIP ticket buying reminder service and event change reminder service (paid subscription based). To further narrow the scope, the geographical location that has been targeted for a pilot market…

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A platform for fans of ACGN influencers to find meeting event in Beijing

Based on the user research conducted in the first stage of the investigation, the problem statement is defined as follows: “How might we make a loyal ACGN influencer fan who wants to attend an ACGN influencer meet-and-greet event in Beijing (who) address the problem of collecting information especially including the sale time of VIP ticket…


“COVID-19! Please let me see my Influencers!”: A User Research on ACGN Fans

Firstly, I chose to target casual fans who attend ACGN Exhibition in their leisure time without specific purpose. However, as I conducted my interviews, I found that my interviewees had one thing in common: they all participate in ACGN Exhibition to meet their favorite ACGN influencers. Therefore, I refined the target persona to fans who…


Sichuan Cuisine in HK Island

In this assignment, ParseHub was used to help get the data from openrice website. According to my food preference, I chose to scrape the information about Suichuan cuisine restaurant from Hong Kong Island, including restaurant name, address, price range, number of likes, number of dislikes, discounts, and signature dishes, about 13 pages and 204 rows….