Course: Data Driven Product and Service Design
Text lesson

Basic Python Programming I

Lesson 1 PDF File: Click here to download.
Lesson 1 Sample Web Page Zip File: Click here to download.

  1. Introduction to Python programming by using the Anaconda and Jupyter Notebook application suite
  2. Why Python for code development and data analysis instead of other language camps (e.g. node.js, Ruby, R, PHP, Java, C#) ?
  3. Data Types and variables
  4. Mathematical and logic operators.
  5. Conditionals and Loop.
  6. Python List and Dictionaries

Lesson 1 PDF File: Click here to download.
Lesson 1 Sample Web Page Zip File: Click here to download.

Self-study Videos

  1. Getting Started With Jupyter Notebook for Python (22:05 min) Optional
  2. Python Tutorial for Absolute Beginners – What Are Variables? (24:37 min) Required
  3. Python Coder | Beginner # | Data Types (12:29 min) Required
  4. Python Coder | Beginner # | Loop (6:42 min) Required
  5. How to Use If Else Statements in Python (19:44 min) Required
  6. Python lists in simple English (18:47 min) Required
  7. Python dictionaries coding in simple English (19:59 min) Required