
Find the Critical Persona and Information for Musical Drama Through Research

After the initial scope of conducting a platform for musical drama is decided, people who enjoy musical dramas as an entertainment choice are targeted as the persona. The second step is to interview several people of the persona in order to find out their collective problems, the critical and missing information, the ideal persona type for conducting the project. These interviews indicate that avid fans who enjoys a variety of musical drama activities are most likely to contribute to the largest revenue. Besides, this group of people always desires to interact with other lovers and are actively inviting other fans into new activities. Thus, I decide to choose the avid fan as the critical persona for they are not only avid fans of musical dramas but also critical links to reach to other lovers.

This persona tends to belong to 22-30 working youngsters who adopt cultural activities as leisure choices with a decent income and a flexible schedule. They could afford a ¥1500-2000 monthly spending on musical drama excluding hotel and transportation expenses. They tend to buy middle/high-class tickets and are willing to go to other cities to enjoy their beloved dramas. Their love for musical dramas also expands to related events such as staff door (a kind of activity in which the audience could communicate with performers after the drama), trying out restaurants collaborated with the theatre, watching official recordings and meeting other lovers online or offline. They treat it as not only a hobby but also an activity that fulfills their social needs to meet other fans. Therefore, they look for a place with a social attribute to collect a more detailed set of musical play information.

To sum up, the scope of the present project is narrowed to a musical drama platform that collects drama information in Shanghai (city has the largest number of performances and lover base) and provides lovers with a sharing/organizing/comment space. The defined scope is believed to help the further work on specifications and solutions. An introduction to the industry and the problem discovery is available here.

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