
Kind of “BLOG” on my PM Learning

At first, I regard basketball fans who demanded a certain level of basketball from themselves as the main persona, but after conducting a few interviews I found that the people who were more willing to pay for this content were the coaches (both professional and amateur) who coach the teams. They need to constantly learn new ideas and new ways of doing things to keep up with the trends. Therefore, my pick’s target persona ended up being changed to those coaches, who had their own understanding of training methods and tactics, but needed to learn more advanced ideas.

As mentioned above, this character type was chosen because they were more willing to pay for the site. Their age range is wide and includes coaches aged 18-40. Coaches in this age group are younger and have a strong desire to learn, so they are more likely to think outside the box in order to receive advanced knowledge. They are also better paid due to their expertise, meaning that they can contribute to the revenue when they come across reasonable paid content. Besides, they are keen to share their experiences with other coaches and learn from each other, so there is a demand for online communication platforms.

After discovering user needs and business objectives and then finishing the current user journey and story maps, the scope of the project can be defined for following steps. Based on what I already got, I can define the problem statement and relative functional specifications and content requirements that will guide the subsequent phases of solution development and data collection.
You can access the site here and the detail of the picked persona is attached.
Persona type picked-115ba663

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