
Who will pay for the website?Sooooo hard!

I changed the topic three or four times in two weeks because I couldn’t find people to pay for it. In a previous themed interview, I discovered the need for tourists to find photographers quickly, and the need for photographers in Chaozhou to increase their customer base, so I shifted the theme to building a platform to bring people who want to take photos in Chaozhou with photographers who together.

Trying to get regular users to pay? Too hard! It’s hard for users to pay for the convenience of information gathering, so I turned my attention to the photographers who rely on the platform for their income. During the interviews, I found that most photographers were willing to join the platform and pay for it. Some photographers were concerned about the platform’s ability to bring in enough customers and preferred to use the platform’s form of taking a cut of the transaction. However, since independent photographers are multi-tasking, some of the features that greatly facilitate them to take orders will also make them willing to pay separately.

Considering the needs of the paying party, I chose two persona type.
1. the ordinary tourist who wants to take picture to commemorate the trip. This type of user contains a wide range, the main group is concentrated in the 18-35-year-old young women, while the ability of the photographer, the price are medium requirements, generally will spend less than 1000 yuan for a single shot. This part of the group there is room to explore, in line with the site can attract the type of photographers stationed. In addition, their needs are basically the same as the local people who need to take pictures, but as tourists have their special characteristics, the need for communication efficiency, venue clothing recommendations, etc. is higher than the locals, so it is also more difficult to find the right photographer. When it meets their needs, it also meets the basic needs of other types including local users.
2. portrait photographer with relatively less orders
Most of this type of photographers are also independent photographers, often no venue and clothes to provide, so that more difficult to meet the needs of customers one-stop solution. At the same time, most of these photographers do not have enough exposure on social media platforms, need to expand their customer base, and are more willing to develop tourists as consumers. Therefore, they are more willing to spend money to join the platform.

The overview on the prospect of this project can be found here.

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