Course: Tools for Strengthening Your Data Literacy
Text lesson

Beginning JavaScript I

  1. Use of JavaScript to access and control HTML and CSS elements.
  2. Introduction to Bootstrap web design framework.
  3. Use of Bootstrap for creating navigation bar and form.
  4. Introduction to C3 for creating charts and graphs.
  5. Introduction to Leaflet for creating maps.
  6. Introduction to PapaParse for using Google Sheet to store data and allow access through CSV file sharing.

Self-study Videos

  1. JavaScript Fundamentals For Beginners (1 hr 08:22 min) Required
  2. Learn DOM Manipulation In 18 Minutes (18:36 min) Required
  3. Introduction to JavaScript Event Listeners (22:06 min) Required
  4. Javascript Callback Functions Tutorial (15 min 39 sec) Required
  5. JavaScript ES6 Arrow Functions (9 min 31 sec) Required
  6. Learn Ternary Operators In 9 Minutes (8 min 54 sec) Required
  7. JavaScript ES6 Template Literal Strings in FIVE Minutes (6 min 39 sec) Required
  8. JavaScript: Simple Form Validation (12:23 min) Required
  9. Bootstrap 5 Crash Course | Website Build & Deploy (1hr 18min 47sec) Required
  10. How to Create Website Graphs from CSV Files with c3.js (29:07 min) Required
  11. Mapping Geolocation with Leaflet.js – Working with Data and APIs in JavaScript (15:21 min) Required