Course: Tools for Strengthening Your Data Literacy
Text lesson

Introduction to HTML, CSS, and Github

  1. A grammar analogy for describing HTML (noun), CSS (adjective), and JavaScript (verb) functions in web development.
  2. Deconstruct the DOM (Document Object Model) architecture and the Box Model of HTML elements using the browser inspector (e.g. the Developer Tools under the View menu in Chrome).
  3. Make use of HTML5 elements (e.g. header, nav, aside, section, article, and footer) and the “div” tag for composing the web page.
  4. Placing elements within the page layout using static, relative, absolute, fixed, and sticky positions.
  5. Styling and combining HTML elements with selectors and properties.
  6. Understand where to place the styling rules (in-line, internal, or external) to provide instructions to the browser for correctly displaying the web pages.
  7. Visual Studio Code is the most popular code editor used by developers. It is free with extensive extension supports. No doubt it has become the first tool most people use to create their HTML/CSS/JS web pages.
  8. Git is an indispensable tool for version control. Using Git and Github is almost a compulsory step in code development. GitHub Desktop provides a friendly interface for using Git and GitHub for beginners.

Self-study Videos

  1. Visual Studio Code Web Dev Setup In 6 Minutes (6:47 min) Optional
  2. HTML Tutorial For Beginners (29:29 min) Required
  3. Learn CSS in 20 Minutes (23:44 min) Required
  4. Learn CSS Box Model In 8 Minutes (8:22 min) Optional
  5. Learn CSS Display Property In 4 Minutes (4:14 min) Required
  6. Learn CSS Position In 9 Minutes (9:26 min) Optional
  7. CSS Grid vs Flexbox (11:42 min) Required
  8. 5 simple tips to making responsive layouts the easy way (15:54 min) Required
  9. Chrome DevTools Crash Course – using Chrome Inspector for CSS Development (11:13 min) Required
  10. Getting Started With GitHub, Part 1: Creating a GitHub Account (3:14 min) Optional
  11. Getting Started With GitHub, Part 2: GitHub Desktop (9:45 min) Optional
  12. Getting Started With GitHub, Part 3: Creating a Read Me File in Markdown (8:56 min) Optional
  13. Create Your First GitHub Pages Website (8:39 min) Required
