Course: Tools for Strengthening Your Data Literacy
Text lesson

Basic Python Web Programming in Flask II

  1. Group Python modules into a Python package to build an integrated Flask application.
  2. Perform database CRUD (Create,Retrieve,Update,Delete) operations in Flask using SQLAlchemy and SQLite.
  3. Use of Bootstrap form in a Flask application.
  4. Create login and registration forms with the Flask-Login and WTForms modules.
  5. Encrypting passwords for improving security in cross domain posting using Bcrypt and CORS.
  6. Email notification for authenticating registration signup and password reset using SMTP or API services.
  1. Learn Flask for Python – Full Tutorial (46:58 min) Required
  2. Forms with Flask – Python on the web (14:57 min) Required
  3. Intro to Flask-Login (16:53 min) Required
  4. Python Flask Authentication Tutorial – Learn Flask Login (29:34 min) Required
  5. Building a Blog App With Flask and Flask-SQLAlchemy (57:24 min) Optional
  6. How to Upload and Store Images (9:33 min) Optional
  7. Pagination in Flask-SQLAlchemy (18:50 min) Optional
  8. Python Flask Tutorial: Basic Search and HTML forms (16:13 min) Required
  9. Add comments to the post using python flask Tutorial complete website (10:39 min) Optional
  10. How to display comments to the post using python flask complete website (6:20 min) Optional
  11. Using Bcrypt (Blowfish) in Python (5:57 min) Required
  12. CORS in Flask (6:40 min) Required