Turn my hobby to my product: stickers and card-decoration
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1. General Persona Types
At present, there are many types of people who are participating in card-decoration, including:
(1) Those who have no experience in using stickers, they are someone’s fans, and they are trying to decorate photos of their loved ones.
(2) Journal decorating lovers who have been exposed to other types of stickers and are trying card-decoration.
(3) Entry-level users who have joined in card-decoration and want to further improve their skills and the quality of their works.
(4) Experienced users who already have a lot of experience, they can create good-looking works and show them on some social media platforms.
2. Two Chosen Persona Types
The first two types of personas, whose main area of interest lies in other areas related to card-decoration, they might simply try for a while and quit very easily. Therefore, they will not be willing to spend a lot of time and money on card-decoration.
Compared to them, the latter two types of people are more passionate about card-decoration. They have a greater and more diverse demand for stickers, so I chose them as the main target.
For these two personas, I used slightly different interview questions (considering that experienced users often use social media to post their works, while entry-level users may just browse the information). After the interviews, I found that they actually have a lot in common: both are willing to spend much money for stickers and spend much time on card-decoration; both have the need to browse comprehensive sticker information on one platform; both want the sticker and artwork classification based on styles. They also want notification of stickers’ launch. However, there are differences in their purchasing behavior.
Experienced users already have a good understanding of the styles they are good at, so they can match sticker schemes on their own. They have less need for ready-made recommended schemes/sticker packs. Entry-level users have not used many stickers and know little about the style of each brand. It is also hard for them to imagine the effect presented after putting various types of stickers on one card. Thus, they are very willing to buy sticker packs based on styles, order custom services or even make monthly subscriptions. The direct revenue of this website can start from this kind of demand.
But I found that experienced users are also indispensable to the site. They can provide continuous update and circulation of information on the site-I need them to upload their works as new users’ reference. Their beautiful artwork can make people more willing to buy the same stickers to match-which means I can provide packs for them. At the same time, experienced users may already have some followers on other social platforms (especially entry-level users who are keen to learn), and their join can bring me more potential consumers. In fact, they also need new stylized packs when they can’t figure out good typography.
If special pack is a direct source of revenue, then community building can bring higher attention and increase the number of users, thus more potential purchase. The growing number of members may also attract store owners. Both entry-level and experienced users have a high demand for community construction. They want to join a community with a friendly atmosphere, good post quality, and the ability to get actual improvement. They also want to participate in some interactive activities.
3. My Consideration on: Can Store Owners Get Involved?
I also interviewed some store owners, although I reached the conclusion that they are not the main target of the site, their participation can also facilitate the flow of information. For example, owners can upload their official sticker information, publish the opening hours, and purchase channels to ensure the efficiency of updates and the credibility of the news. The site itself can attract owners: customized sticker packs need to be ordered stickers in bulk from different stores; the release of information can bring advertising benefits. Also, owners posting within the site are not obstacle by the traffic limitations of some social media platform algorithms, they will receive a relatively steady number of views. In addition, by displaying stylized artwork in categories on the site, owners can also constantly find trial users for new products that match their style.